CFAR detector Vitis HLS Implementation

Features of the lesson package (paid content)

➢ Fully pipelined, run-time configurable Cell-Averaging and Ordered-Statistic CFAR IP cores in Vitis HLS

➢ Integration and run-time configuration of the Xilinx AXI DMA and AXIS SWITCH IP cores under Linux

➢  Fixed-point input signal simulation and CFAR IP cores performance estimation

➢ Linux deployment for Zynq 7000 SoCs with Buildroot for dynamic FPGA reconfiguration and Vitis HLS IP cores support

➢ Tested with Arty z7-20 board

The Educational Package sources

Vivado Hardware design for Arty z7-20

CFAR IP cores detection results

Synthesis and Implementation report 1024 samples for Arty z7-20